1 × Medium: Mohammed's Journey - How to flee from Syria to the Netherlands

I just published the English version of my long article about how Mohammed made it from Syria to the Netherlands, a detailed protocol of how fleeing works with lots of original pictures that Mohammed took during his trip.

Mohammed's Journey - How to flee from Syria to the Netherlands
On the evening of 22nd March 2015, Mohammed’s entire family came over for a last dinner. His uncle was there already, while his sisters and brothers-in-law had brought sweets with them to belatedly celebrate Syrian Mother’s Day. Mohammed felt like screaming, yet none of them could find out that tomorrow morning he would disappear and they would perhaps never see him again.

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3 x SPON: Tailored for Success; Tablet-Streit & Carrier IQ

Teil Drei meiner Reihe "Berlin Startup Storys" bei Spiegel Online, jetzt auf englisch.

Berlin Start-Up Aims to Revolutionize Clothes Shopping
Two young Berlin entrepreneurs have an ingeniously simple idea for helping the clothing industry break through on the Internet. Their UPcload service measures people with a webcam more accurately than any person could. It could revolutionize shopping for clothes online -- if the fashion industry cooperates.
[Spiegel Online]
Oh, and ABC News syndizierte es auch gleich. Juhee.

Samsung formt das Galaxy Tab um
Das Galaxy Tab wurde für den Deutschen Markt umgestaltet. Der Rahmen sieht ein bisschen anders aus als vorher, die Lautsprecher sind an die Gehäusevorderseite gewandert. Ob das reicht, um Apple und die Gerichte zu überzeugen, dass das Tablet dem iPad nicht mehr zu ähnlich sieht?
[Spiegel Online]

Microsoft arbeitet an sozialem Netzwerk
Microsofts frisch enthülltes soziales Netzwerk bedient sich bei großen Vorbildern und bleibt womöglich doch dahinter zurück. Außerdem: Datenschutz-Debatte um ein Smartphone-Programm, Ravensburger verklagt Apple - und Nokia hat möglicherweise den Veröffentlichungstermin für Windows 8 ausgeplaudert.
[Spiegel Online]

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2 x SPON Intl: Raw and Direct & Making Literature Social

My little startup series made it to Spiegel Online International. They'll add their own stories in the nexts couple of weeks. Nice people!

The Growth of Berlin into Europe's Start-Up Hub
Web developers from around the world are converging on Berlin, with the German capital becoming a significant center for tech start-ups. In a new series, SPIEGEL ONLINE will scratch beneath the surface to find out more about the people, companies and ideas responsible for the buzz. Is Berlin about to take off, or will it be a repeat of the dot.bomb?
[Spiegel Online]

Readmill Networks Lonely Bookworms
Traditionally, reading has been a solitary activity. But two Berlin-based Swedes hope to change this. They're close to launching new software called Readmill, which promises to create a social network for bookworms to share their reading habits, margin notes and recommendations.
[Spiegel Online]

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